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If you are looking for an inspirational song that can motivate you to pursue and continue moving in the direction of your dream…
I have a treat for you!

My latest song, “This Is My Life” has been uploaded to YouTube with epic footage of many historic sports events/moments. Get your mind tuned to positive thinking, body motivated to move in the direction of your dream, and soul inspired to be the fullest expression of the being you are!

Check it out below.

If you liked it or were motivated/inspired, I’d love to hear your comments. 🙂

Have an AffirmaJam-ed day!

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AffirmaJams Update – Living The Dream

At the Recording Studio

Living The Dream

Hello AffirmaJams Friends!!

So…I have great news for you!!

As you all know I am working on Volume 2 of AffirmaJams (the second album) and I am recording it professionally at the OC Recording Company with Asaf Fulks.

Last night, I recorded “This Is My Life” and let me tell you that it has been not only recorded at a higher quality sound, but, there are additions to the song that will Blow Your MIND!! If the song was already at a 10 (0-10 scale, 10 being the highest in value), this song is now a 15!!!

It’s Awesome!!

I can’t wait for you to hear and enjoy it 🙂

Thinking of you and your success!!

Have an AffirmaJam-ed Day!


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Affirmation For Preventing The Flu

Prevent The Flu AffirmationIt’s officially the Flu Season!

Help your body and mind keep healthy by repeating affirmations of health and love to yourself, either aloud or in your mental chatter.

A great affirmation to prevent the Flu is,

“With every breath I take and every item I eat/drink, my cells revitalize and renew with pure energy keeping me healthy and vibrant. And so it is!”

Have a Blessed, Healthy Day!




P.S. Please share your health affirmation by posting your affirmation in the comment section below 🙂
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Health Affirmation – Positive Thinking

Healthy-Body-300x161Let’s create a healthy affirmation today.

Research shows that the cells in our body respond to the affirmations we say and the positive thoughts held in our mind.  As we think positive about our bodies the vibration of our cells actually shifts.

Here is today’s affirmation

“Thank you God for the food on my plate.  I am a healthy being, with a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy heart.”

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