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Best Affirmation-ist, Must see for Positive Thinking!

If you need some inspiration for Affirmations to repeat to yourself, check out this YouTube Video of little Jessica. She is the epitome of what it is to Think Positively and affirm your way to a PHENOMENAL DAY!


This is a MUST SEE video….I promise it will make your day 🙂

My inspiration; Little Affirmation Queen…

Much Affirmation Love!!

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Health Affirmation – Positive Thinking

Healthy-Body-300x161Let’s create a healthy affirmation today.

Research shows that the cells in our body respond to the affirmations we say and the positive thoughts held in our mind.  As we think positive about our bodies the vibration of our cells actually shifts.

Here is today’s affirmation

“Thank you God for the food on my plate.  I am a healthy being, with a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy heart.”

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Feelin’ Good!

Last night was the first night I slept well in a few weeks.

“I am so Happy and Grateful now that I am well rested. My Mind is clear, my emotions are aside and I am ready to rock this gorgeous Friday! I love my rested body!!”


Have a Blessed day!


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